Sunday, January 24, 2021
What a whirlwind of a week! Here are the highlights:
Getting to know my team: Morningstar, Chris and Melanie. I'm amazed at how quickly we gelled considering our geographical distances and time zone differences - in addition to the great act of balancing and coordinating crazy, busy work/life/study schedules! Our saving grace has been that we are a group of very proactive, enthusiastic and engaged individuals - and we each bring unique yet complementary competencies and life experiences to the table (Wenger, 2000). We have also created a safe space for each person to express their opinions, ask for support when and if needed, and experiment with new skills - like creating an infographic for the first time!
Having meaningful, thought-provoking and insightful conversations with two subject matter experts: Dr. Geo Takach and Russ Johnston.
Meeting Dr. Geo Takach - Geo had me pondering the idea that a smile, humor, compassion and empathy can be powerful tools in building bridges with those who are on the opposing side of the spectrum. Wise advice to keep in mind the next time I feel my blood boiling! I'm also wondering how we can apply humor to a highly contentious topic throughout our February 23 plenary session. Geo also provided us with an impressive reading recommendation list on communication ethics, indigenous perspectives and the Trans Mountain Pipeline story, including books he has written on the subject. I will not be lacking reading material for a long while - a book lover's dream come true!
Meeting Russ Johnston - Russ provided us with captivating insights into indigenous ways of knowing and being. Russ had me pondering not only how stories are framed in the media and society at large, but also which stories are not being told or are only partially being told because they are too uncomfortable to be told. This will give me a lot to think about as I apply media framing theories to our Trans Mountain Pipeline CoP learnings.
Looking forward to the week ahead as we will be meeting a third subject matter expert - Adam Bailey. What new thoughts will I ponder this week? Stay tuned for my next weekly update!
With gratitude,
Rebecca Tapiero